Augustana - Sunday's Best

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


Long time, no blog. Poor show, really. And I must also add, the only real reason I'm writing this is due to the fact I need to update my blog as part of Duncan's assessment. Well, here I am; alive and well. Not much going down recently, not much going up either as a matter of fact. Nothing's changed, as boring as that may seem, my life hasn't progressed one little bit. Been enjoying alot more music than usual, particularly going through a phase of appreciation for Travis' second album "The Man Who".

My grandma sadly passed away early in the year; the first death of my family and I was honoured to be one of the 8 selected to draw the ropes of her coffin. Was a sad day, but I will always have fond memories of her. All the pain she was going through, and never a mumble of it. Well.... I guess this blog entry is of enough depth to be suitable for screenshoot.

Take Care x

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